Dias de Sousa SA

Accessories and consumables for electron microscopy (SEM and TEM)

Portable System - fluidlab-R300 – which combines an innovative cell counter and a powerful spectrophotometer in a small, portable form factor that fits "in your pocket". Determine cell count, cell density and viability and perform colorimetric assays including kinetics.

Analog and digital refractometers, portable, benchtop, ATC, salinometers, Abbe type, Polarimeters. viscometers. Automatic Brix and CO2 meters.

Complete range of sterilization, drying, incubation ovens without refrigeration, with vacuum, incubation with CO2, material testing at temperature and humidity and germination with humidity and lighting.
Automatic solvent evaporation systems (low and high boiling point) and solid phase extraction for biological samples. Automated sample preparation robots. Chemical synthesis. Peptide Synthesis. Automatic disc filtration systems.

Magnetic stirrers with heating, rod stirrers, water baths, heating blankets, heating plates

Analytical and environmental standards in small quantities

"Vials", caps and septa for autosamplers and other applications.

"Vials", caps and septa for autosamplers and other applications.

filtration ramps

Containers of liquid nitrogen and helium.

Shuttle and orbital shakers. Cell homogenizers. Soxhlet battery by IR. Cell mill for the determination of chlorophyll and phytopigments.

Ultrasound baths with and without heating. Ultrasonic sieve washing system, Multifrequency ultrasound devices.
Natural and fine chemical products, purified and standardized.

filtration ramps

Type I, II and III Water Production Systems

Class 100 and Casse II - Biohazard horizontal and vertical laminar airflow chambers. Cytostatic flow chambers. Decontamination, transition and air cleaning chambers. Equipment for clean rooms. Portable chemical treatment filtration hoods.
Torches, nebulizers and other glass and quartz accessories for ICP
High temperature heating plates. Sand baths. Oil baths.

Wide range of centrifuges with and without refrigeration. Micro centrifuges, bench and floor centrifuges with adapters for the most different types of tubes. -86ºC freezers, vertical and horizontal.

Rod and magnetic stirrers with and without heating. Heating plates. Multiposition agitators. Orbital shakers. Mills for hard matrices. Universal disperser. Rotary evaporators. Calorimeters
HPLC columns and chromatography accessories.
Electronic micropipettes, single and multichannel and automatic spacing. Automatic Pipetting and Microplate Preparation Systems. Culture media preparers and dispensers, automatic. Single and multichannel peristaltic pump. Equipment for Cell Culture and Molecular Biology. Automatic Bunsen burner and sterilization gun.

Rod and magnetic stirrers with and without heating. Heating plates. Multiposition agitators. Orbital shakers. Mills for hard matrices. Universal disperser. Rotary evaporators. Calorimeters
pH, redox/chlorine, conductivity meters, dissolved oxygen meters, water analysis kits (acidity, alkalinity, ammonia, chlorine, hardness, oxygen, etc.), maintenance and calibration solutions, photometers for water analysis, equipment for determination of BOD/BOD and COD/COD, flocculators, universal system for measuring anaerobic and aerobic metabolisms, refrigerated and explosion-proof ovens, turbidimeter.
Reference materials for metallurgical, spectrochemical, optical emission (spark), glow discharge, and x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis. Metallic patterns based on iron, nickel, copper, zinc, aluminum, magnesium, tin, lead, titanium, cobalt, zirconium. Powder, chip and solution standards for AA, ICP, etc. Ceramic, glass, cement, coal, oil, rock, soil patterns, etc.

Portable and benchtop Water Activity (AW) meter. Temperature and Humidity and Differential Pressure Meters.

Wide range of general laboratory equipment such as precision, analytical and semi-micro balances, moisture balances, centrifuges, shakers, shaking incubators, chilled incubators, homogenizers, mixers, vortexing, dry block heating blocks and spheres.

Optical Microscopes for Education, Laboratories and Industry, for all areas of application

Ultra pure gas generators and gas purifiers for laboratory use (chromatography, spectrometry, TOC, etc.). Nitrogen generators, Hydrogen generators, air generators and purifiers) with integrated silent compressors
Hollow cathode lamps for all atomic absorption spectrophotometers. Deuterium lamps.
Anaerobic chambers. Glove boxes. Controlled environment and nitrogen chambers; Class III Chambers, Exciters; Accessories for animal experimentation
Various laboratory equipment (portable and stationary air samplers for microbiological analysis, autoclaves, ect.)

Stomacher Homogenizer.

1 or 2 channel flame photometer, fluidized bed dryer, magnetic susceptibility balances, chloride analyzer.

Washing machines for chemical, biological and hospital laboratories, with thermophysical and thermochemical disinfection systems. Refrigerators and freezers. Autoclaves

"Sonicators". High intensity ultrasonic processors for liquids; disaggregators, homogenizers, degasifiers. cell disruptors. Sonochemistry. Ultrasonic atomisers.

Single and multi-element standards for plasma emission spectrometry (ICP) and atomic absorption (AA). Standards for environmental analysis (EPA set, TCLP, waters, metals in fish, etc.). Standards for ion chromatography. Organometallic patterns in oils.

Sample Preparation Systems by: milling and pulverizing, cell lysis, tissue homogenization, mixing, embedding, Borate melting, palletizing and pressing.

Complete range of combustion analyzers and accessories, according to ASTM methods and ISO standards, for Total Nitrogen, Total Sulfur and Total Halogens for both liquid, solid and Gaseous samples/LPG matrices, as well as for AOX, TOX, EOX applications and POX, TOC and XPrep-IC automatic preparation for Ion Combustion Chromatography.

Circulators for thermostating open and closed baths, for heating and cooling, cryostatic baths, immersion coolers, water baths, "shakers", recirculators. chillers

Special agitators for decanting funnels.